Win '95 Giga Pack
Win95 Giga Pack (Maple Media) (1997).iso
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Text File
743 lines
' Host mode script for QmodemPro for Windows.
' Version 2.00
' Last updated August 5, 1995.
'$include 'hostutil.qsc'
' Constants
const BS = chr(8)
const LF = chr(10)
const CR = chr(13)
const ESC = chr(27)
const PrelogFileNamePart = "host.pre"
const MenuFileNamePart = "host.mnu"
const ProtocolFileNamePart = "host.pro"
const LogoffFileNamePart = "host.off"
const HelpFileNamePart = "host.hlp"
const UserFileNamePart = "host.usr"
const MsgHeaderFileNamePart = "host.hdr"
const MsgDetailFileNamePart = "host.msg"
const MaxMsgLines = 99
' Type declarations
dialog SetupDialog 18, 18, 214, 240
caption "QmodemPro Host Setup"
groupbox "Mode", 101, 18, 9, 74, 64
modeopen as radiobutton "Open", 102, 26, 23, 62, 12
modeclosed as radiobutton "Closed", 103, 26, 38, 62, 12
modecallback as radiobutton "Callback", 104, 26, 53, 62, 12
groupbox "Security", 150, 100, 9, 100, 64
maxtime as edittext 105, 151, 22, 42, 12
dospass as edittext 106, 151, 39, 42, 12
shutdownpass as edittext 107, 151, 56, 42, 12
rtext "Max time", -1, 108, 25, 41, 8
rtext "DOS pwd", -1, 108, 41, 41, 8
rtext "Shutdown pwd", -1, 108, 59, 41, 8
groupbox "File transfers", 160, 18, 80, 182, 85
dlpath as edittext 108, 22, 104, 169, 12
ulpath as edittext 109, 22, 130, 169, 12
ltext "Download path", -1, 24, 95, 62, 8
ltext "Upload path", -1, 24, 120, 69, 8
sysopanypath as checkbox "Sysop can download from any path", 110, 25, 148, 165, 12
groupbox "Modem", 170, 18, 175, 182, 30
modem as combobox 111, 25, 187, 165, 80
pushbutton "&Modem...", 200, 15, 215, 50, 14
defpushbutton "OK", IDOK, 81, 215, 50, 14
pushbutton "Cancel", IDCANCEL, 150, 215, 50, 14
end dialog
dialog ModemSetupDialog 6, 15, 194, 179
caption "QmodemPro Host Modem Setup"
groupbox "", -1, 8, 9, 177, 139
init as edittext 101, 48, 17, 127, 12
answer as edittext 102, 48, 33, 47, 12
busy as edittext 103, 48, 49, 47, 12
ok as edittext 104, 48, 65, 47, 12
ring as edittext 105, 129, 33, 45, 12
ringcount as edittext 106, 148, 49, 27, 12
rtext "&Init", -1, 16, 19, 28, 8
rtext "&Answer", -1, 12, 34, 33, 8
rtext "&Busy", -1, 12, 50, 33, 8
rtext "&OK msg", -1, 13, 66, 32, 8
rtext "&Ring", -1, 105, 35, 20, 8
rtext "Ring &Count", -1, 106, 51, 38, 8
defpushbutton "OK", IDOK, 77, 156, 50, 14
pushbutton "Cancel", IDCANCEL, 137, 156, 50, 14
end dialog
type TUser
Name as string*25
Password as string*20
Level as integer
Phone as string*30
end type
type TMessageHeader
Sender as string*25
Receiver as string*25
Subject as string*75
DateTime as string*20
Private as integer
Received as integer
Killed as integer
Lines as integer
Detailpos as long
end type
' connection variables
dim Local as integer
dim Port as integer
dim ModemResult as string
dim BaudRate as long
dim LogonTime as DateTime
dim LogoffTime as DateTime
dim ForceLogoff as integer
dim Setup as SetupDialog
dim ModemSetup as ModemSetupDialog
dim User as TUser
dim MsgLines(MaxMsgLines) as string
dim PrelogFileName as string
dim MenuFileName as string
dim ProtocolFileName as string
dim LogoffFileName as string
dim HelpFileName as string
dim UserFileName as string
dim MsgHeaderFileName as string
dim MsgDetailFileName as string
'$include 'hostcfg.qsc'
declare sub PackMessages
' Utility routines
function MinutesSince(dt as DateTime)
dim now as DateTime
dim days as integer, seconds as integer
DateTimeDiff(now, dt, days, seconds)
MinutesSince = (days * 86400 + seconds) / 60
end function
function MinutesUntil(dt as DateTime)
dim now as DateTime
dim days as integer, seconds as integer
DateTimeDiff(now, dt, days, seconds)
MinutesUntil = (days * 86400 + seconds) / 60
end function
function TimeLeft as integer
TimeLeft = MinutesUntil(LogoffTime)
end function
function CallerHungUp as integer
CallerHungUp = (not Local and not Carrier) or ForceLogoff
end function
sub DoChat
dim s as string, c as string
send #Port,
send #Port, "You are now chatting with the sysop"
send #Port,
c = inkey
if c = "F2" then
exit do
end if
if c = "" and not Local then
c = inkey(Port)
end if
select case c
case BS
if len(s) > 0 then
s = left(s, len(s)-1)
send #Port, BS; " "; BS;
end if
case CR
send #Port,
s = ""
case is >= " "
if len(c) = 1 then
s = s + c
send #Port, c;
if len(s) >= 79 then
if instr(s, " ") then
dim i as integer
i = len(s)
while mid(s, i, 1) <> " "
i = i - 1
send #Port, string(len(s)-i, BS); string(len(s)-i, " ")
s = mid(s, i+1, len(s)-i)
send #Port, s;
send #Port,
s = ""
end if
end if
end if
end select
loop until CallerHungUp
send #Port,
send #Port,
send #Port, "Returning you to host mode"
send #Port,
end sub
function YesNo(x as integer) as string
if x then
YesNo = "Yes"
YesNo = "No"
end if
end function
declare function GetLine(prompt as string = "", maxlen as integer = 0, start as string = "", passchar as string = "") as string
function GetLine(prompt as string, maxlen as integer, start as string, passchar as string) as string
dim s as string
dim starttime as DateTime
dim warned as integer
warned = false
s = start
send #Port, prompt; s;
dim c as string
c = inkey
if c = "" and not Local then
c = inkey(Port)
end if
select case c
case ""
dim idle as integer
idle = MinutesSince(starttime)
if idle >= 4 and not warned then
send #Port,
send #Port,
send #Port, "CAUTION! You will be logged off if you do not continue in 60 seconds!"
send #Port,
send #Port, prompt; s;
warned = true
elseif idle >= 5 then
send #Port,
send #Port,
send #Port, "Logged off due to inactivity."
delay 1
ForceLogoff = True
end if
case "F2"
send #Port, prompt; s;
case BS
if len(s) > 0 then
s = left(s, len(s)-1)
send #Port, BS;" ";BS;
end if
case CR
GetLine = s
send #Port,
exit function
case ESC
' esc handling
case is >= " "
s = s + c
if len(passchar) > 0 then
send #Port, passchar;
send #Port, c;
end if
if maxlen > 0 and len(s) >= maxlen then
GetLine = s
exit function
end if
end select
loop until TimeLeft < 0 or CallerHungUp
GetLine = ""
end function
function DisplayFile(fn as string) as integer
dim f as integer, count as integer
DisplayFile = TRUE
f = freefile
open fn for input as #f
count = 0
do while not eof(f)
dim s as string
input #f, s
send #Port, s
count = count + 1
if count >= 24 then
if OemUpper(GetLine("-Pause- [C]ontinue, [S]top? ", 1)) = "S" then
exit do
end if
send #Port,
count = 0
end if
close #f
catch err_fileopen
DisplayFile = FALSE
end function
sub SendModemString(s as string)
dim i as integer, c as string
i = 1
while i <= len(s)
c = mid(s, i, 1)
if c = "^" and i+1 <= len(s) then
i = i + 1
c = mid(s, i, 1)
if c = "~" then
delay 0.5
goto nextchar
c = chr(asc(c) and 0x3f)
end if
end if
send c;
i = i + 1
end sub
sub InitModem
hostecho off
if Setup.modem < GetModemCount then
dim s as string
s = "COM"+chr(asc("1")+Setup.modem-GetModemCount)
if not OpenSerialPort(s) then
MsgBox("Warning: Could not open serial port "+s)
exit sub
end if
dim result as string
if carrier then exit sub
timeout 5
delay 1
SendModemString ModemSetup.init
receive result
loop until result = ModemSetup.ok
end if
catch err_timeout
goto tryagain
end sub
sub UninitModem
if Setup.modem < GetModemCount then
end if
end sub
function ProcessKeyboard(byval k as string)
ProcessKeyboard = False
select case OemUpper(k)
case "F1"
if ModemSetup.busy <> "" then
SendModemString ModemSetup.busy
delay 1
flush input
end if
Local = True
Port = 0
ProcessKeyboard = True
case "F7"
case "F8"
case "F9"
print "Host mode terminated, returning to normal operation."
end select
end function
function WaitForCall as integer
WaitForCall = False
hostecho off
if carrier then
Local = False
Port = comm
WaitForCall = True
exit function
end if
if Setup.modem < GetModemCount then
select case WaitForEvent
case 1
if ProcessKeyboard(inkey) then
WaitForCall = True
exit function
end if
case 2
BaudRate = 19200
Local = False
Port = comm
WaitForCall = True
exit function
end select
dim rings as integer
rings = 0
dim result as string
dim c as string
c = inkey(comm)
if c = "" then
c = inkey
if ProcessKeyboard(c) then
WaitForCall = True
exit function
end if
elseif c = LF then
result = ""
result = result + c
if len(result) > len(ModemSetup.ring) then
result = right(result, len(result)-1)
end if
if result = ModemSetup.ring then
rings = rings + 1
end if
end if
loop until rings >= val(ModemSetup.ringcount)
delay 0.2
SendModemString ModemSetup.answer
timeout 60
receive result
if left(result, 7) = "CONNECT" then
ModemResult = result
BaudRate = val(right(ModemResult, len(ModemResult)-8))
Local = False
Port = comm
WaitForCall = True
exit function
end if
loop until result = "NO CARRIER"
end if
catch err_timeout
WaitForCall = False
end function
function NextField(s as string, delim as string) as string
dim i as integer
i = instr(s, delim)
if i > 0 then
NextField = left(s, i-1)
s = right(s, len(s)-i)
NextField = s
s = ""
end if
end function
function LookupUser(byval uname as string, user as TUser) as integer
dim f as integer, s as string
LookupUser = False
f = freefile
open UserFileName for input as #f
do while not eof(f)
input #f, s
dim i as integer
i = instr(s, ";")
if i > 0 then
s = rtrim(left(s, i-1))
end if
if OemUpper(uname)+"," = left(s, len(uname)+1) then
user.Name = NextField(s, ",")
user.Password = NextField(s, ",")
user.Level = val(NextField(s, ","))
user.Phone = NextField(s, ",")
close #f
LookupUser = True
exit function
end if
close #f
catch err_fileopen
end function
function GetPassword as integer
GetPassword = True
if User.Password = "" then
exit function
end if
GetPassword = False
dim password as string, tries as integer
password = GetLine("Password? ", 0, "", "*")
if CallerHungUp then
exit function
end if
if OemUpper(password) = OemUpper(User.Password) then
send #Port, "Password ok"
GetPassword = True
exit function
end if
tries = tries + 1
if tries > 3 then
send #Port,
send #Port, "Sorry, access denied"
send #Port,
exit function
send #Port,
send #Port, "Incorrect password entered"
send #Port,
end if
GetPassword = True
end function
function CallUserBack as integer
CallUserBack = False
if User.Phone = "" then
send #Port, "Your phone number is not on file."
send #Port, "(click)"
exit function
end if
send #Port, "Hanging up now, type ATA and press Enter after you get a ring."
delay 1
hostecho off
delay 10
if Setup.modem < GetModemCount then
dial manual User.Phone
if not carrier then
error err_timeout
end if
send "ATDT"; User.Phone
timeout 60
dim result as string
receive result
if left(result, 7) = "CONNECT" then
ModemResult = result
BaudRate = val(right(ModemResult, len(ModemResult)-8))
exit do
end if
timeout off
end if
hostecho on
delay 1
send #Port, "Welcome "; User.Name
send #Port,
if GetPassword then
CallUserBack = True
end if
catch err_timeout
end function
function GetCallerInfo as integer
dim uname as string
uname = OemUpper(GetLine("Please enter your full name? "))
if CallerHungUp then
GetCallerInfo = False
exit function
end if
if LookupUser(uname, User) then
if not GetPassword then
GetCallerInfo = False
exit function
end if
if Setup.modecallback and not Local then
if not CallUserBack then
GetCallerInfo = False
exit function
end if
end if
GetCallerInfo = True
exit function
elseif Setup.modeopen then
User.Name = uname
send #Port,
send #Port, "Your name ";chr(34);uname;chr(34);" was not found in the user list."
if OemUpper(left(GetLine("Is it spelled correctly? "), 1)) = "Y" then
exit do
end if
send #Port,
send #Port,
send #Port, "Sorry, you are not registered with this system."
send #Port, "(click)"
send #Port,
GetCallerInfo = False
exit function
end if
send #Port,
dim password as string
User.Password = GetLine("Please select a password? ", 0, "", "*")
password = GetLine("Type your password again? ", 0, "", "*")
if OemUpper(password) = OemUpper(User.Password) then exit do
send #Port,
send #Port, "The passwords you typed did not match. Try again."
send #Port,
User.Level = 0
open UserFileName for append as #1
print #1, User.Name;",";User.Password;",";User.Level
close #1
send #Port, "Welcome new user!"
GetCallerInfo = True
catch err_fileopen
send "Fatal error - could not open user database"
GetCallerInfo = False
end function
'$include 'hostfile.qsc'
'$include 'hostmsg.qsc'
'$include 'hostdos.qsc'
sub HelpScreen
if DisplayFile(HelpFileName) then
dim s as string
send #Port,
send #Port, "Type the letter of the command you would like more help with,"
s = OemUpper(GetLine("or press Enter to return to the main menu: "))
if s = "" or CallerHungUp then exit do
send #Port,
if not DisplayFile(ConfigScriptPath+"\host" + left(s, 1) + ".hlp") then
send #Port, "Sorry, no help is available for that item."
end if
send #Port, "Sorry, no help information is available."
end if
end sub
' Page sysop
sub PageSysop
send #Port, "Paging sysop..."
print "(Sysop: Press F2 to enter chat mode)"
play "RINGIN"
send #Port,
GetLine "Press Enter to continue? "
end sub
sub Shutdown
if User.Level = 0 or Setup.shutdownpass = "" then
send #Port, "Sorry, shutdown option not available."
send #Port,
exit sub
end if
if OemUpper(GetLine("Enter shutdown password: ", 0, "", "*")) <> OemUpper(Setup.shutdownpass) then
send #Port,
send #Port, "Wrong password entered."
send #Port,
exit sub
end if
end sub
PrelogFileName = ConfigScriptPath+"\"+PrelogFileNamePart
MenuFileName = ConfigScriptPath+"\"+MenuFileNamePart
ProtocolFileName = ConfigScriptPath+"\"+ProtocolFileNamePart
LogoffFileName = ConfigScriptPath+"\"+LogoffFileNamePart
HelpFileName = ConfigScriptPath+"\"+HelpFileNamePart
UserFileName = ConfigScriptPath+"\"+UserFileNamePart
MsgHeaderFileName = ConfigScriptPath+"\"+MsgHeaderFileNamePart
MsgDetailFileName = ConfigScriptPath+"\"+MsgDetailFileNamePart
print "QmodemPro for Windows Host Mode"
print "Press F1 to log on locally"
print "Press F7 to pack the messages"
print "Press F8 to set up the host mode"
print "Press F9 to quit the host mode"
print "Modem ready for calls..."
loop until WaitForCall
timeout off
ForceLogoff = False
print "Call connected at "; BaudRate; " baud"
hostecho on
delay 1
send #Port, "Welcome to the Qmodem for Windows host mode!"
send #Port,
send #Port, "Modem result: "; ModemResult
send #Port, "Connected at "; BaudRate; " bps. ";
send #Port,
send #Port,
DisplayFile PrelogFileName
call IncDateTime(LogonTime, LogoffTime, 0, val(Setup.MaxTime)*60)
if GetCallerInfo then
send #Port,
DisplayFile MenuFileName
dim cmd as string
cmd = GetLine("("+str(TimeLeft)+" min. left) Command? ")
send #Port,
select case OemUpper(cmd)
case "?"
case "D"
case "E"
case "F"
case "G"
DisplayFile LogoffFileName
send #Port, "Thanks for calling!"
exit do
case "P"
case "R"
case "S"
case "U"
case "Z"
case else
send #Port, "Unknown command, try again"
end select
loop until TimeLeft < 0 or CallerHungUp
end if
hostecho off
if not Local then
delay 1
delay 1
end if